Strategic fundraising advice and solutions tailored to your organisation’s needs

Hello. We are
Bluestone Fundraising...

We believe in passion. We’ve seen how it changes our world. It’s always been about taking that passion and molding it into something powerful.

We understand that every not-for-profit, large or small, has different needs and goals. We help provide real world solutions tailored to meet them.

We are a fresh thinking agency that thrives in today’s environment. We aim to be outstanding by standing out.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”

Fundraising Solutions

We know the fundraising landscape. We understand your need to grow your brand, increase donor loyalty, and maximise your potential to raise funds, now and into the future. It’s why we deliver advice and solutions to get you there.

Of course, we’ll help you choose the best channels to spread your message and reach your key audiences, all within your budget.

climate council growth plan

Incredibly professional, driven & fantastic

Kerin recently worked with the Climate Council to produce a Fundraising Growth Plan.

She was incredibly professional, driven and fantastic to work with. Kerin’s wealth of experience and knowledge across all facets of fundraising is incredible, and was fantastic for the Climate Council to access. I would definitely work with Kerin again, and would highly recommend her as a fundraising consultant.

Head of Community, Climate Council